Letter: Attack on Diane Abbott – race and class

By Mark Langabeer – Member of Hastings  & Rye Labour Party

As has been widely reported, Frank Hester, who has donated £10 million to Tory coffers, stated that Diane Abbott made him dislike all black women and that she should be shot. These remarks were made back in 2019, at a staff meeting, and have been rightly described as racist, misogynistic and threatening.

Initially the Tory leadership tried to deny that Hester was racist and he had attempted to apologise just for his “rudeness”. However, demands that the money should be given back has fallen on deaf ears. It has come to light that a further £5 million has been given. It has been reported that Hester is a big fan of Rishi Sunak.

I listened to Prime Ministers Questions and Sunak defence was that the Tory Party is not racist or misogynistic because unlike Labour, Sunak is from Asian decent and the Tories have had two female leaders. How do explain this contradiction?

The Tories represent the capitalist class, who’s only prejudice is profit. They don’t mind who they exploit. Now, that does not mean that they don’t try to exploit the politically backward sections of society against Muslims and migrants in general. Dog-whistle politics is used when their number is up. The Tories are desperate and will attempt to divide workers by stoking up so-called ‘culture wars’ and anti-migrant feelings.

Scandal is about class

At bottom, the Diane Abbott scandal is about class. Abbott, albeit in a confused manner, represents the majority of Black and Asian women, who are often the lowest paid in society, yet Sunik is the wealthiest Member of Parliament. Likewise, Hester’s company has been the beneficiary of lucrative Government contracts, a point made by Kier Starmer during PMQ’s.

Unfortunately, under his leadership, Labour have abandoned the ending of outsourcing services to the private sector. It’s no accident that Hester’s remarks were made in 2019. It was when Labour had a radical programme and Abbot was part of the leadership as Shadow Home Secretary.

One of the ironies of this scandal, is that it’s put pressure on the Leadership  of Labour to restore the Parliamentary whip. Many Labour MP’s have described her as a trailblazer. Abbot was the first black MP to enter Parliament in 1987 and has received more abuse than any other MP. Many Labour MP’s, even those hostile to Abbott’s political stance, have called for her reinstatement before the next General Election.

Racism is not simply a moral question. It’s part and parcel of the capitalist system of exploitation. Only a socialist policy can change this. Such a policy must include public ownership of the largest companies which would pave the way for replacing the anarchy of the market with a planned economy under democratic control  by society as a whole.

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