By Steve McKenzie – Unite Community member, south-east London. [featured image REUTERS]

The perpetual lies, deceit and incompetence finally caught up with Boris Johnson last week. He ran away from Parliament rather than facing the music, resigning as an MP – jumping before he was pushed. Even the House of Commons, that theatre of lies, could no longer put up with him.

Parliament is an institution that is dominated by the rich and big business, and it is run in their interests. MPs themselves, on both sides, are mostly bought and paid for. They are an integral part of the British establishment. 

Government has been accurately described in the past, as nothing more than the executive committee of the ruling elite. However, the flagrant contempt, and cavalier attitude, that Boris Johnson has displayed to working people, to Parliament, and just about everyone and everything that isn’t in his own vested self-interest, has even enraged the more level-headed wing of the British establishment. 

The real role of Parliament is to deceive and maintain a democratic facade, while they and those it really represents fleece us. Under pressure of the working class, it can sometimes allow limited reforms to pass through, but real power and influence always remains in the hands of the ruling class.

Corrupt, duplicitous, incompetent

This is usually done in a smooth and sophisticated way, but Johnson and his flying circus, must rank as one of the most openly corrupt, duplicitous and incompetent governments that this country has ever had. Much to the disgust of the strategists of capital, it was laid out for all to see.

For now, he has gone, but will Johnson, mad Nad Dorries, Rees-Mogg, the former minister for 1860, and the rest of the insane menagerie, who have helped bring Britain to its lowest point in modern times, make a comeback?

That is clearly Johnson’s long-term aim, even if he has to dump the well-heeled degenerates who hover around him at the moment. He will bide his time and rest but ultimately rely on the unbalanced and swivel-eyed membership of the Tory party to facilitate his return.

The more sophisticated members of the kleptocracy will not want him back at any cost. They want a Parliament, and a leader, that can rob us with a smile, while making us think they are on our side. The wit who once pointed out that Parliament was like a cesspit, full of pith and wind, where the biggest solids float to the top, wasn’t far wrong.

It is way past time we got properly organised, took back control of our unions and started the fightback. Only the socialist transformation of society stands any chance of repairing the awful damage that has been done.

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